Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to Praise Good Work

By Elango R.

Waiting for my ride home one evening, I noticed a colleague looking quite upset. I was about to ask him what was wrong when I heard him murmuring to himself, “What does he think I am? Some puppy that he can throw biscuits at to do tricks?”
Thinking about my own safety, I decided to wait till the next day to talk to him. What had gotten this colleague so agitated, and who was throwing biscuits at him?

Elango R.
His answer was revealing. This colleague was very upset with his manager’s habit of linking every action to the reward that the subordinate could expect. The manager would say things like–“If you deliver this module on time, I will give you an ‘Achieves Expectations’ rating,” or “If the client is happy with our presentation, I will ensure you are sent for that training you want.”
I still didn’t get why my colleague was upset. Isn’t it good when the manager lets the team know what is expected and what they will get in return?  Shouldn’t results and rewards be tied together, and ideally be immediate?
Not necessarily.
My colleague was simply doing his job, but the boss made it seem like everything was being done for a rating, an assignment or a promotion. The colleague felt like he was being treated like a child in front of whom a carrot was dangled every time. He wanted to be treated like an adult who is simply told what needs to be done. This colleague was self-motivated, but the manager was oblivious to that.
To be sure, the manager had good intentions. Had he paid attention to his team members’ body language, he might have picked up some clues that his reward technique was not working for everyone.
Different people have different needs, and thus require different types of recognition. I suggest some tips that managers can keep in mind when thinking of non-monetary rewards for their employees:
1. Alternate public and private praise
We tend to think that if something worked for us, it will work for others. Wrong.
One manager I know personally thanks each member of his team for a job well done. So he was surprised to learn in an internal feedback that his team members said he didn’t do a good job of giving recognition.
This manager would be very pleased if his boss personally congratulated him–why didn’t his subordinates feel the same way?
It turns out that the subordinates would have preferred a more public recognition, as opposed to a pat in their cubicles. These employees were seeking peer recognition.
Managers can spend a few minutes in a staff meeting congratulating and thanking team members who have done well on a project. Or, they can send an email to the entire team congratulating the performers.
Ideally, managers should try a combination of both private and public recognition.
2. Communication is key
One of our managers was surprised when his favorite employee left the company citing overwork, when all the manager did was give him plum assignments as recognition!
The manager could have avoided this situation had he informed the employee why he was giving him extra work. He could have said something like: “You’re the best person I have on the ground, so I’d like you to do this assignment. Tell me if the work load is getting too much.”
Of course, even for the best employees, more work is not always the ideal recognition.
3. Grade your praise
When I was younger, I always wondered why my mother beamed when my brother appreciated her cooking, but just nodded when I did. She explained one day that it was because I appreciated everything but my brother was tough to please. He said “good” only if the food was really good.
I haven’t forgotten that lesson.
Managers should grade their feedback and not be too lavish with their praise. Don’t use words like “great,” “terrific” and “fantastic” very often.
4. Add an element of surprise
Don’t become predictable in your accolades. You can stick to the same message, but the way you deliver it can change.  Try email sometimes, or a handwritten note, while at other times you can walk to the employee’s cubicle…variety works!
5. One size doesn’t fit all
This sounds hackneyed, but many of us use only a handful of tools to recognize our employees.
The manager who really wins employees’ hearts is the one who knows unique ways to deal with each team member. Perhaps the young mother on your team would appreciate flexibility to work from home sometimes. Maybe the ambitious young employee could use a training program. Sometimes flexibility, space, and an opportunity to grow can be the best recognition.
Managers need to listen closely to pick up cues on what works for whom. There’s no substitute for knowing your team well.
6. Change with the times
When someone joins your team, your time and attention is the biggest recognition he or she can get. But as employees grow in their jobs, their needs for your time will change. It’s possible that after some time, they may think you are micro-managing if you ask too many questions! Maybe now they need less advice and more pats and encouragement.
So, keep changing your method of offering recognition.
Good luck, and share your tips on rewarding employees in the Comments section.